C is a procedural programming language created by Dennis Ritchie in 1972 at Bell Laboratories, part of AT&T Labs. It was primarily designed for system programming, particularly for developing the UNIX operating system.

Key Features of C

The C language has several key features, including:

  • General Purpose and Portable
  • Low-level Memory Access
  • Fast Execution Speed
  • Clean Syntax

These characteristics make C particularly well-suited for system programming, such as operating system and compiler development.

Why Learn C?

Many modern programming languages, such as Java, PHP, and JavaScript, have adopted syntax and features from C, either directly or indirectly. C++ is essentially a superset of C, meaning that while most C programs will compile in C++, there are some exceptions.

Starting with C programming provides a strong foundation for learning any contemporary programming language. Additionally, studying C enhances your understanding of fundamental concepts in operating system architecture, such as pointers and memory management.

Difference Between C and C++

C++ was developed to introduce object-oriented programming (OOP) concepts to the C language, resulting in both languages sharing similar syntax with some key differences:

  • Programming Paradigm: C++ supports the object-oriented programming paradigm, while C is limited to procedural programming.
  • Exception Handling: C++ includes built-in exception handling features, whereas C requires manual management of exceptions.
  • References: C does not have reference types, a feature that is present in C++.

Sample C Program

#include <stdio.h>
int main()
int number = 35;
printf(“%d”, number);
return 0;  


Structure of a C Program

Let’s take a closer look at the fundamental structure of a C program. This structure is essential, as all C programs must adhere to it. Writing a C program in a different format will result in a compilation error.

Components of a C Program

  1. Header Files Inclusion
    • The first essential component of a C program is the inclusion of header files. A header file, with a .h extension, contains function declarations and macro definitions that can be shared across multiple source files. Lines starting with # are processed by a preprocessor. Common C header files include:
      • stddef.h: Defines various useful types and macros.
      • stdint.h: Defines exact-width integer types.
      • stdio.h: Contains core input and output functions.
      • stdlib.h: Includes functions for numeric conversion, pseudo-random number generation, and memory allocation.
      • string.h: Provides string handling functions.
      • math.h: Contains common mathematical functions.
  2. Main Method Declaration
    • The next component is the declaration of the main() function, which serves as the entry point for program execution. The empty parentheses indicate that the main function does not accept any parameters. The int preceding main denotes its return type, and the value returned by main indicates the program’s termination status.
  3. Body of Main Method
    • The body of the main() function comprises statements that perform various tasks, such as manipulations, searching, sorting, and printing. Curly brackets define the beginning and end of the function body, which must always be included.
  4. Statement
    • Statements in C provide instructions to the compiler and must end with a semicolon (;). In this instance, the printf() function is used to display the text “Hello World” on the screen.
  5. Return Statement
    • The return statement concludes any C function by indicating the return values. In this case, the statement returns a value from main(), which the operating system uses to assess the program’s termination status. A return value of 0 typically signifies successful completion.

Applications of C

C is extensively used in various domains, including:

  • Operating Systems: Development of operating systems like Unix, Linux, and Windows.
  • Embedded Systems: Creation of embedded systems, microcontrollers, and electronic devices.
  • System Software: Development of device drivers, compilers, and assemblers.
  • Networking: Development of networking applications, web servers, network protocols, and drivers.
  • Database Systems: Major database systems like Oracle, MySQL, and PostgreSQL are developed using C.
  • Gaming: Frequently used in game development for low-level hardware interactions.
  • Artificial Intelligence: Employed in creating AI and machine learning applications, including neural networks.
  • Scientific Applications: Development of scientific software, such as simulation tools.
  • Financial Applications: Used for building financial applications, including stock market analysis and trading systems.

How to Execute a C Program

To run a C program, it must first be compiled using a compiler, and then the generated executable can be executed. Several online IDEs allow you to start coding in C without needing to install a compiler.

  • Windows: Free IDEs like Code::Blocks and Dev-C++ are available for C programming. Code::Blocks is highly recommended.
  • Linux: The GCC compiler is usually included with Linux, enabling you to compile C programs. Code::Blocks is also compatible with Linux.
  • macOS: macOS includes a built-in text editor that allows you to write code and save it with a .c extension.

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